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It's a New Day
Every 3rd Wednesday at 9am

Julie Beardsley hosts topics of conversation about everything! One month it might be someone with a fascinating profession; another month, the author of an interesting book; she may explore an aspect of the natural environment or local politics. Nothing is off the table!

  • Deb Kalas has been photographing wild horses in the American West for decades. She has studied wild herd behavior through the varying seasons of the year, and has produced a beautiful book of photographs. She talks about their social system, challenges, and what is the impact of wild horses on the environment.
  • Tim Gordon has been appraising and learning about antiques, art and collectibles since he was 10 years old. He is a frequent appraiser on the PBS series Antiques Roadshow and over the years has appraised such wonderful collections as Princess Diana's wardrobe; Ronald Regan's estate at Rancho del Cielo; entire ghost towns in Montana; the contents of the sunken ship Arabia; Jim Morrison's writings and notebooks; Al Capone's estate; entire national art collections including Yosemite National Park and Mt. Whitney National Park.
  • Author John O'Connor discusses his new book "The Secret History of Bigfoot, Field Notes on a North American Monster". John has written a charming and insightful book about belief, the loss of the wild, and our quintessentially American bogeyman, Bigfoot. He traveled the country and spoke to hundreds of "Bigfooters".
  • Two interviews with media experts. Professor Robert Vianello talks about the history of media in America, and Professor Claire Wardle discusses fake news, how to tell if news is misleading, types of misleading information, i.e., purposeful lies versus accidental misinformation.