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Mendocino County Public Broadcasting
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Trading Time
Saturday, 11:00am to 12:00noon

Trading Time is one of the most popular and longest running programs on KZYX. Each week listeners call in and send emails to the hosts offering to buy, sell, trade, or give away almost anything imaginable. Cars, trucks, lawn mowers, chickens, furniture, livestock, electronic equipment, lumber, services, rental properties, and so much more. Call in and sell that widget or put the call out for a needed item or service. 707-895-2448

Trading Time Rules

Rules, Regulations, Stipulations, Requirements, Procedures, Protocol, Admonitions, Conventions, Cautions, Warnings, Guidelines, Statutes, and Ordinances

1. No Professionals. If you do this for a living, or it is one of your major sources of income please do not call the show.

2. Nothing Illegal or borderline Illegal. This includes firearms, drugs of any kind, human blood or body parts, or raw milk. (yes raw milk is still illegal)

3. Keep your list to 5 items or less

4. Turn off your radio when you call. We have a 7 second delay and it is weird for everyone involved.

5. If you are a frequent caller please wait until the last 15 minutes of the show.

6. Please say your phone number nice and slowly, I am writing it down and others out there are too. If you miss a phone number call us after the show, we will find it for you. Please call rather than email

7. If you are calling for a non-profit or about a public event, this is a public service announcement. Please use the website to submit a PSA to the calendar at www.kzyx.org.

8. The purpose of the trading time show is to buy sell and trade goods and services in Mendocino county. It is not a soapbox from which to voice your political position. If you would like to voice your political opinions, or anything else on the air, call or email the discussion which airs from 7-8pm every other Thursday night.

9. Call between 11 AM and Noon Saturday - 895-2448 or email dj@kzyx.org. Please put Trading Time in the subject line. If you don’t put trading time in the subject line your email will probably go to the spam folder and we won’t see it.
