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Listen to the audio of "Your Own Backyard", broadcast May 29, 2020

Linda Pack reads selections from the opening chapters of My Antonia by Willa Cather, 1918, “The Huckabuck Family and How They Raised Popcorn in Nebraska and Quit and Came Back” from Rootabaga Pigeons by Carl Sandburg, 1923, and “A Gardener’s Prayer” from A Gardener’s Year by Karel Capek.


Linda Pack became a theatre professional at the age of eighteen in New York City. In 1972, she arrived in Mendocino and joined an exciting, emerging theatrical and musical community. Her career has encompassed the roles of stage director, actress, singer, production designer, choreographer, writer, lyricist, vocal coach, choral director, and stage technician. Linda served as Artistic Director of Gloriana Opera Company for 20 years, and has also worked locally with Mendocino Theatre Company, Mendocino Music Festival, Symphony of the Redwoods, Mendocino Women’s Choir and Ukiah Players. She taught theatre and voice for College of the Redwoods, Mendocino Art Center, Fort Bragg Unified School District and in France and India.