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Broadcasting Volunteer

Broadcasting VolunteerThere are a variety of ways to be a programmer here at KZYX.  Some of our programmer/volunteers are heard on the air and some work behind the scenes to makes our programs sound good.  Whether your interest is production or getting your voice out to the thousands that listen to KZYX, we just may have a place for you.

On-Air Talent - KZYX&Z always welcomes new volunteers with a desire to be on the air. We are always excited to find those who want to share their talents and knowledge of subjects ranging from public affairs like health to education, to music shows of hip-hop, electronica to Americana, indee rock, classical and beyond.

If you have an idea for a program, the first step is to complete a the linked New Programmer Application for either Public Affairs or Music, which will jumpstart developing a program proposal.  Every show starts somewhere. If you have an idea we want to hear about it!

Music & Public Affairs - Once your application is received and reviewed, staff will contact you to schedule the beginning of your on-air training. We will schedule hands-on training at one of our studios, you will receive our Programmer Handbook and information re FCC licenses, etc. This process can take up to a month depending on schedules.

Production - With a little training, you can help on-air programmers screen calls, control microphones, and make any program a little cleaner.  This is a great opportunity for people who want to be a part of the action, but would rather not be the voice from the other side of the mike.  Apply Now Here!

News - There are a variety of ways you can help KZYX&Z’s news department (which can be a great opportunity to start a career in journalism), from collecting on the ground information to background research. Along those lines:

Local News Reporters - We are always looking for those in the community to put together new pieces that are featured on KZYX Monday through Friday.  With a little training almost anyone can be a KZYX news "stringer".  Is there an event or activity that you have a particular perspective on?  Is there an area that we can use your expertise to better inform our community?  If there is give us a call about becoming a volunteer reporter. 

Call us at 707-895-2324 or email our Directors for more details: news@kzyx.org; music@kzyx.org; pa@kzyx.org