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Newscast: Black Dog Farm Keeps It Real

Katherine Flink of Black Dog Farm with onions from the onion harvest from 2024
Caroline Radice
Katherine Flink of Black Dog Farm with onions from the onion harvest from 2024

As part of my KZYX series on the realities of small farming in Mendocino county, I spoke with Caroline Radice and Katherine Flink of Black Dog Farm and Catering in Willits to learn more about what drives their passion to farm, as well as the challenges they face along the way. When asked if either felt they earned a living wage (defined by World Population Review as $44,179 for a single person), both responded no. They said they would be surprised to hear of anyone that uses farming as their sole source of income who is earning that much. Flink added that the context of the question was important — what defines a farmer, and what defines farming? Common practice in our area is to supplement farming with multiple income streams, which both Flink and Ridice report to do. Having other sources of income in addition to farming helps both enjoy farming, reduces financial stress, and allows them to remain true to their mission of feeding our community members.

Low population density, local economic challenges, and long delivery distances were cited as challenges to their farming business, while a supportive community and strong network of driven and creative farmers were noted as strengths. Both farmers reside at Ridgewood Ranch, which provides affordable housing close to land access for farming. An expansion of this type of affordable live/work arrangement for farmers on land they don’t have to own would greatly benefit small producers in Mendocino County, according to Flink and Radice, along with more grant funds available to small farmers looking to feed their communities.

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