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Eileen Russell

  • Local News
    Live, Work, Play. The U.S. Forest Service hosted a community meeting in Covelo as well as other key towns that are impacted by what happens in the Mendocino National Forest. After devastating wildfires have ravaged through the forest, burning up to ninety percent of the total area, land managers have difficult decisions to make about how to move forward. Residents of towns neighboring the forest have been given the opportunity to create a shared vision for post-wildfire recovery by attending these sessions. The Covelo session was well attended, and KZYX reporter Eileen Russell went and files this report. For anyone who would like to learn more you can vist
  • Local News
    Sixteen-year-old Ruby Montelongo's accused killer is free, as the prosecution prepares to re-file charges in the case against her. The suspect is also a teenaged girl, who has been awaiting trial in juvenile hall since April 15, the day after Ruby's body was found beaten to death in a field on the Round Valley reservation.
  • Local News
    District Attorney David Eyster made an appearance last week at the Round Valley Indian Tribal Council regular meeting . The D.A. presented a restitution check from a former convenience store employee who admitted to embezzling funds. Tribal Council President Lewis Bill Whipple asked for the case against former Tribal President Randall Britton for embezzlement to be looked at by his office again.
  • Local News
    The Round Valley Indian Tribes hosted their annual California Indian Days event at Hidden Oaks park in Covelo last weekend. The guest of honor was tribal member Lt. Colonel Nicole Mann who recently returned from space, and gave a great talk with guests on Saturday afternoon. California Indian Days is a celebration where tribal members come from far and wide to celebrate their culture and share in food, dance, and activities for young and old.
  • Local News
    During a series of visits to the Northern part of his district Congressman Jared Huffman made the trek out to Covelo. During a walking tour of recent internet and cell tower upgrades, the congressman learned how the Round Valley Indian Tribes is using funds recently awarded in a National Telecommunications and Informations Administration grant. The 13.5 million dollars is earmarked for their tribal broadband connectivity program.
  • Local News
    Sheriff Matt Kendall hosts a monthly community meeting held at the recreation center in Covelo. At the August meeting, updates about the fires caused by lightning strikes were discussed happening to the North and East of Covelo. The meeting was attended by a few members of the public who had the chance to express their concerns about issues like illegal cannabis, mental health in the valley, as well as just connecting with their neighbors. The meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at noon, and are often attended by agency partners as well.
  • Local News
    The 40th Annual Blackberry Festival will be held this weekend in Covelo. The event is free and hosts music, art, food, and entertainment both Saturday and Sunday. KZYX reporter Eileen Russell spoke with festival organizers to find out about the legacy of the event, and what is new this year.
  • Local News
    Members of the Round Valley Indian Tribes voted once again to remove Tribal President Randall Britton, Council member Joel Merrifield, and Treasurer Tesia Wantt from their seats in a July recall election. The three tribal leaders were first recalled in May, but the election was contested in tribal court and the judge ordered the election process happen again. The recall petition happened following a payment from President Britton to the former tribal business administrator in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars.Once again, the three recalled leaders are challenging the election recall process with a complaint filed in the Tribal Court.
  • Local News
    "Past, Present and Future," Covelo's newest local paper, will cover current events as well as the history of the area.
  • Local News
    The Friends of the Round Valley Library are holding an art show called Fiber: Form and Function at the Walnut Grove Cafe and Commons. Art shown includes quilts, crochet, wool hanging pieces, and more.