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The station at KZYX has survived the recent Grange Fire, however the equipment has several technical issues which we will be working on through Monday afternoon. Although the app is streaming on the internet, internet service is erratic right now. Expect pre-records and emergency notices until Monday afternoon, and thank you for your patience.

MCB Board Minutes 5-26-2020



May 26, 2020

5:15 PM



A.    CALL TO ORDER  5:15PM by Dir. Dow                                                              

B.     AGENDA APPROVAL  Approved with change to move up F.1. to top of agenda.


      1)    APRIL 8 MEETING  Approved

      2)    MAY 11 SPECIAL MEETING  Approved

D.   Membership Vote to Approve Board Members  All five (5) recently elected Board members were approved by unanimous vote of members present.


      1)    President’s Report  We’re doing well. More specific reports will follow.

      2)    General Manager’s Report  See report below.


     1.     Finance Committee  Dir. Bushansky  We are in the best financial position the station has probably ever experienced. As a non-profit radio station we received both a PPP and a CPB grant from the federal government infusion due to the Covid-10 pandemic. In addition, we received some unexpected grants, including from the Community Foundation for station equipment and for a new generator.            

      2.     Membership/Fundraising –  Dir Dow Over the past year Renee Wilson, our Membership Director, has done an excellent job of cleaning up the membership files, membership and fundraising drives, and dramatically improving how quickly we acknowledge donations. The current silent fundraising drive so far has yielded $63,000 and our on-air drive will be June 4 through June 7.           

      3.     Planning – Dir. Hulse-Stephens The committee hasn’t met since our 30th anniversary party in October. The main task ahead is to revisit and update our strategic plan since we have accomplished many of our earlier goals. We will soon begin to meet again, by Zoom.

      4.     Programming/Publicity   Dir. Kathy Rippey, our new Board member chosen by our programmers, agreed to head this committee. Kathy mentioned that she has publicity experience and wants to be in touch with our programmers to make KZYX life better for them.      

      5.     CAB –  Chair Stein  Not a lot of progress yet on finding more people for the  committee. The committee has formed survey questions and will explore how to send them out and collect answers. The free version of Survey Monkey only allows up to 40 responses. The Board approved the expenditure of $300 to buy more capability with the site.

      6.     Bylaws and Policies – Dir. Polkinghorne  The committee’s final version of the new bylaws will be sent to Board members who are asked to review and comment on them before the next Board meeting.


Resolution to Authorize Dir. Dow and GM Durlin to Execute L-1161 Lease with CA Dept. of General Services for Cold Springs Tower Rental. After discussion, the Board approved the state lease for the Cold Springs tower. The Board also approved the lease for the Laughlin Peak tower even though we don’t yet have the formal paperwork for it. 

H.    COMMENTS FROM DIRECTORS   Dir. Polkinghorne requested to lighten her duties as Vice President and not be considered for President in the future because she has accepted a major board position in her profession.                          

I.      PUBLIC EXPRESSON   None.                                                                  

J.      NEXT MEETING:  July 28, 2020 5:15 PM - Location TBD

K.    ADJOURN   6:15PM                                                                       


Manager’s Report

May 26, 2020

Looking back on KZYX’s 30th/31st year: I’ve been here for a year as manager, and a lot has changed. Staff: Rich Culbertson (operations), Renee Wilson (membership), Steve Winkle (bookkeeping) and Sarah Reith (news) have remained; Alicia Bales (program director), Eddie Haehl (production director) and Katharine Cole (underwriting) have joined. The core staff meets weekly, which helps us to be unified and focused. Starting June 1, we will have a part-time environmental reporter, Lana Cohen, shared with the Mendo Voice. Seven staff members have left KZYX during this time. Finances: Under Tom’s leadership as President of the Board, KZYX’s budget has been stabilized with a major gift commitment that has allowed us to pay debts, write grants, negotiate commitments and offer (modest) raises. We have received PPP and CPB stimulus funds, which have given the station a reserve fund, protecting us at least somewhat from the fallout from the pandemic and the uncertainty of the future. Programming: Under Alicia’s leadership, the station has reorganized and strengthened local programming, brought in new hosts, provided regular training, and excelled in providing emergency information about fires, PSPS and Covid-19. Membership: Under Renee’s leadership, we have been able to capture more lapsed members, expand our social media outreach, thank donors more expeditiously and shrink the time spent on fundraising. Renee has also spearheaded the clean-up of our yard, making KZYX more fire-safe and resilient. Infrastructure: Thanks to Rich and some timely grants from the Community Foundation, we have upgraded our equipment, and continue to do so, in order to better serve our audience and programmers. Underwriting: Under Katharine’s leadership, we have cleaned up our database, reworked our program logs and improved communication with our business partners. All in all, it’s been a good year, and I thank the BOD for the support and assistance.

In progress: Installation of new 20 KW generator, upgrade of telemetry at transmitter site, upgrade of air studio computer; installation of new production studio in Ukiah; preparation for 4-day drive, June 4-7.

Looking forward: We need new studios. It’s not Philo that’s the problem (although in our current location we are losing our signal to the transmitter), but the physical plant itself. As we know, the place was condemned before KZYX moved into it 31 years ago. We have some very good equipment in there; we installed a new HVAC last year; it’s as physically accessible as we can make it; we’ve cleaned up the yard; and the auxiliary trailer is actually a pretty nice facility. But we lack critical space in the air studio, for recording, meeting, parking, kitchen and storage. At times the building appears to be falling down around us. There are big logistical/emotional/nostalgic issues around moving out of Anderson Valley — especially if we move inland to Ukiah. The pandemic has stalled our search for a new place, but we’ve got to keep looking in order to ensure KZYX’s future.

- Marty Durlin