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Board Executive Committee meeting 11/19

November 14, 2019

MCPB Board Executive Committee Meeting

564 S. Dora St., Ukiah

Present: Tom Dow, Dina Polkinghorne, Len Tischler

Absent: Bob Bushansky

Others in Attendance:  Stuart Campbell

Began 4:40pm

New Generator for Station

The executive committee discussed the need for a new 20kW generator powered by propane gas. The current generator is old, shuts off on its own sometimes causing the station to be unable to broadcast, and at 10kW is only able to power the main station equipment, but not the administrative offices.  A new 20kW generator should easily be able to handle the entire station and should not break down at all. The cost should be under $10,000, but to be sure we authorize the amount needed the Executive Committee voted to authorize up to $10,000 to pay for a new generator and its installation.  The vote was unanimous, including a vote from Bushansky with whom this was discussed earlier.

2020 Board Election

We briefly discussed that we need to let listeners know that an election is coming up and to run for a seat (a) a person has to be a KZYX member, and (b) the person should contact the station to have an application form sent to them. The requirement is that we need to begin at least by December 1, 2019 to announce the election coming up. Stuart Campbell has agreed to write up an outline of what the Board needs to do and provide any other useful information he has.

Donor Advised Funds

We read a proposal from an attorney who wants to organize a system for encouraging and handling donor advised funds for many NPR stations, and to include KZYX in its small initial test group. This could provide more donation funds for the station. We need to be clear that we have no fiduciary or other obligations in this scheme that could burden the station or MCPB. We drew no conclusion, and will seek advice from one or more large radio stations that already use donor advised funds in their fundraising. We will revisit this proposal at a later date.

Adjourned 5:30pm