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Board of Directors Meeting May 21, 2018

KZYX Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of announced meeting, 05/21/2018 at Project Sanctuary, Ukiah.

President John Azzaro convened the meeting at 5:20 p.m.

Board Members in attendance: John Azzaro, Dina Polkinghorne, Jonathan Middlebrook,                                         David Hulse-Stephens, Renée Vinyard, Tom Dow, Jerry Karp

Board member excused: Robert Bushansky

Members of the public: Ed Keller, Stuart Campbell

1) Approval of agenda—Unanimous

Agenda preliminary open discussion of purpose of Steering Committee and calendars. General agreement that the entire Board should meet quarterly in public session.

Agenda item #1, Steering Committee. Calendar—meets 1st Wednesday of the month, to direct matters to  appropriate committees & to receive reports from  them. Meets on the 3rd Wednesday for specific discussion (e.g., “Mission Statement”). Meeting dates: 6 & 20 June; 4 (Holiday) & 18 July; 1 & 15 August; 5 & 19 September; 3 & 17 October; 7 & 21 (Holiday) November; 5 & 19 December.

Agenda item 2, Planning team/committee. Chair, Hulse-Stephens. meets every 2 weeks. First task, meeting with Heidi Dicckerson in re strategic plan, and with Web manager to plan user friendliness.

Agenda item 3, Finance/Budget committee/team. Chair (Bushansky) absent. Campbell (non-Board member) reports that committee has met 4-5 times, and that there's no draft budget, but one should be ready for the 20 June Steering Committee meeting.

Agenda item 4, Membership/Fundraising—Chair Dow reports that his personal focus is on underwriting, aiming for a modest 300% increase in underwriting. Discussion moved to point that Membership/fund-raising, perhaps like all other Board functions, depends on the station's branding: who we are, and what we do in the community, which of course relates to Mission Statement, and so on.

Agenda item 5, Bylaws/Policies committee/team. Chair, Polkinghorne. She emphasizes employee contract matters (e.g., vacation time accrual). Middlebrook says bi-annual elections are a must-do promptly, so that membership can vote on at least that part of bylaws/policy revision at next election.--Mission Statement also figures in Bylaws/Policy revisions.

Agenda item 6, Programming committee/team. Chair, Karp. He asks “What's this committee for?”--Answers that it's to develop an efficient programming philosophy that puts the Mission Statement's goals into guidelines for the program director.

Agenda items 7-9 (elections/nominating, audit, personnel) not specifically addressed.

Agenda item 10, CAB Liaison. Middlebrook's it.  He'll contact Ellen Saxe.--Steering Committee members gave names of 5 community members willing to serve on re-organized CAB.

Agenda item 11, Executive [Committee]. Not discussed.

At start of meeting Middlebrook passed out copies of a draft, generic application for volunteer service on committees. No discussion thereof.

--The meeting having slightly exceeded its announced time span, President Azzaro adjourned it at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jonathan Middlebrook,
