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News Briefs: Fort Bragg Police Seek Footage of Gang-Related Graffiti

A QR code is featured on a black background with the words: "public's help requested in surge of graffiti"
Fort Bragg Police Department
The Fort Bragg Police Department is collecting surveillance video and tips in connecting to a recent surge in gang graffiti

Police in Fort Bragg are investigating a surge of graffiti linked to the Norteño gang and are requesting surveillance footage from the public. The vandalism occurred over the weekend, and authorities have provided a QR code linked to a graffiti tip portal.

$15 Million Grant Awarded for Mendocino Water Upgrades

The State Water Resources Control Board has awarded a $15 million grant to the Mendocino City Community Services District for wastewater system upgrades. The funds will support improvements at the wastewater treatment plant, installation of a 250-gallon recycled water storage tank, and 15 hydrants for recycled water. Schools and parks in the area will also benefit from the upgrades.

Fort Bragg Students Invited to Name Change Contests

The Change Our Name Group is sponsoring its third annual essay contest and first annual video contest for students at Fort Bragg High School and Noyo High School. The contests, offering a total of $6,000 in prizes, encourage students to research and analyze the history and implications of the town’s name. Submissions will be judged on creativity, research, and technical skills.

Expanded Youth Sports and Recreation Opportunities

The Mendocino Coast Recreation and Park District is expanding its programs with a full season of NFL-sponsored flag football in Fort Bragg and Point Arena, swim lessons at the Olsen Pool, and an upgraded skate park in Point Arena. General Manager Kylie Felisic said a grant from the Community Foundation of Mendocino helped fund new skate equipment, lights, and music.

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