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  • The Mendocino Coast Healthcare District held a forum on community health last night, starting with stark but unsurprising news from a report by the California Center for Rural Policy at Cal Poly Humboldt. Community leaders followed up with summaries of how they and the organizations they lead are responding.
  • Property owners in the Sherwood Corridor will receive a special ballot at the end of next week, asking them to decide if they want to pay an assessment to maintain two emergency access routes on the north and south ends of the community.
  • Local News
    At a preliminary budget workshop last week, the Board of Supervisors heard that, at this point, there does not appear to be a way to balance the county budget. Revenue is stagnant, and expenses have gone up.
  • Local News
    The salmon fishery is closed for the second year in a row, but some agencies and fishermen think there’s reason to expect better next year. This is only the second time the fishery has been closed for two consecutive years, with the last back-to-back disaster taking place in 2008-09.Lauren Schmitt of KMUD news reports.
  • Local News
    Advocates for a ceasefire in Gaza lined up last week to ask the Board of Supervisors for a ceasefire resolution. And Mendocino Railway spoke out against the Great Redwood Trail’s plans to railbank the northern portion of the track, writing in a letter to the board that the county is missing out on the opportunity to use federal infrastructure money to reconnect the local rail to the national system...
  • Local News
    Tiny homes are getting some attention in Mendocino County, with the Board of Supervisors as well as the Fort Bragg city planning commission considering their regulations this week.
  • Local News
    With pension obligation bonds almost paid off, the Board of Supervisors plans to redirect funds to repay the $7 million it borrowed from Measure B to build the new wing of the jail.
  • Local News
    The Great Redwood Trail Agency has released a draft master plan for the northern portion of the Great Redwood Trail. There will be a number of community meetings for anyone who is curious but has not yet read the 600-page document, including one tonight from 5:30-7:30 at the Ukiah Valley Conference Center at 200 School Street in Ukiah. Lauren Schmitt of KMUD news reports.
  • Local News
    Amy Goodman, the host of Democracy Now! was in northern California over the weekend to speak about the bombing of Gaza and the role of the media in times of conflict. On Friday, she addressed a packed crowd at the SPACE theater in Ukiah, and the next day she was in Berkeley to celebrate the 75th birthday of KPFA.
  • Local News
    The county Planning Commission approved a coastal development use permit for a controversial water project in the town of Mendocino at its regular meeting on April fourth. The project, a joint venture between the Mendocino Unified School District and the Mendocino City Community Services District, includes up to ten new wells and two large storage tanks that are supposed to meet the community’s needs in drought or fire emergencies. The new infrastructure will be located on school district property on Little Lake Road, just east of the intersection with Gurley Lane and a mile outside the center of town.
  • Local News
    Fort Bragg is in the initial phase of trying to get absentee property owners to take care of properties that are vacant most of the year, or for years on end. But a recent proposal by code enforcement, to require a registry of vacant properties, did not meet the approval of community members or the city council committee tasked with bringing a more fleshed-out proposal before the full council.
  • Local News
    The Great Redwood Trail is getting some opposition, both from advocates for leaving the train tracks in, and tribal people whose villages were destroyed when the tracks went through the state in the mid-19th century.Kelly Lincoln, of KMUD news, reports on a meeting of the Great Redwood Trail Agency’s board on March 28.